I was thinking the other day, "Why is Hawaii so far away from the mainland?" It's a state isn't it? Doesn't that also give it the right to be part of mainland America. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a multi-step process that can assure Hawaii being part of the the mainland. Below is a list I compiled of the tools and resources that are needed.
-A giant laser
-Twelve 17-ton rocket engines
-A pizza
-A bunch of giant rocks
The first thing we have to do is take the laser, and slice all the islands free from their geographical bonds underground. This will allow them to be moved freely. Next, we strap the rocket engines on the islands, and point them towards the US. We continue to fire up the engines, and then gradually push Hawaii to its true place in America.
Mid-way through the trip, we stop and eat a pizza. The big boulders are to block up all the active volcanoes. We wouldn't want those exploding on us as we attempt to move an island/s.
I sincerely hope you didn't think I was being serious for this whole post. This is just one of the many random thoughts that dances around in my melon. Now, we just need to figure out what to do with Alaska.... ;)
Items needed:
-giant laser
First we cut Alaska away from Canada and the ocean floor with the laser, then tie it to the broomsticks or thestrals with the rope, fly it to the new destination, set it down, and celebrate with pizza. :-)