Saturday, July 5, 2014

'Murica and opinions

     Hello there. Today is July 5th. That's one day past July 4th by my reckoning. That means yesterday was the USA's birthday. You know what we do to celebrate America's birthday? We launch off Chinese inventions... Let that sink in for a moment...

Now that you're done thinking about that, let's talk about it.

'Murica is a grand nation full of freedom and guns. Both of those are very good things. Just think where we'd be without those two things! You can't have one without the other! No freedom equals no guns. No guns equals no freedom. Think, how did we win freedom in both World Wars? Guns. How does the common citizen have the right to own a firearm? Freedom. Boom. I've just described to you a symbiotic-harmonic relationship.

I hope (if you're American) that you had an absolutely amazing holiday yesterday. I hope you ate hamburgers, and watched things explode. I know I did! Yep. Explosions are cool.

Moving on.

I want to know your opinion on something. Yes you. The person blankly staring at the screen slowly processing what I have typed for your brain to inhale. I was looking at my blog itself recently, and can't decide if I like the color scheme of it or not. So what I'm going to do is make a poll on the side of the page. You can vote on whether you like the color scheme I have, or if you'd like me to change it. Voting!!!

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