Hey guys! Well here it is, another post! *cheers*
So lately, I've been watching American Idol. This year (as far as i know it's this year, I didn't watch last year), around the perimeter of the stage and seating area, are giant lit up pictures of all the contestants. Well, when a contestant gets voted off, they turn off their picture/light thing right then and there. They might as well sound a cannon and flash their name in the sky!
On that note, Hunger Games elements in American idol would prove for very captivating shows. Imagine when after a contestant sings, Ryan Seacrest comes out and says, "Now it's time for your sword duel! Good luck!" ... I would watch that... Oooooh, and the judges could be like the game-makers! That would be cool. A giant fireball gets hurled from the audience, and Keith Urban would be like, "My bad."
So yeah.
If you've gotten to this point in the post, that means you haven't groaned and x-ed out the page. Thanks for that. Now that I've talked about American Idol, it's time to get on to the random stuff. Hmmmmm, what's on my desk? Aha, a mini Rubik's cube. Have you ever tried to solve one of those things? It's impossible, don't try it. Once I saw a youtube video that was titled "How to solve a Rubik's cube in 3 moves". The purpose of the video was to show that you can solve any Rubik's cube in three repeated moves...over....and over...and over.
I'm pretty sure that guys Rubik's cube was in fact, rigged. I tried his theory. I repeated the three simple moves...over...and over...and over again. It didn't work (surprised?).
So the moral of the story, American Idol could be so much cooler, and Rubik's cubes are impossible.
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