This post will probably resemble a real blog post rather than my usual random conglomeration of stuff. But that doesn't mean it won't make you laugh.
The other day I saw a video where a guy was talking about things we should ask ourselves before posting stuff online. At the end of the video, he says for the final question, "Why am I posting this?". Well this got me thinking, "Why do we actually post things on the internet?" Well, I calculated a few answers:
1: We're trying to make ourselves look cool. Just think about it. 95% of the time, when we post something, we're trying to be like, "Hey world! Look at me! I just went out and ate dinner with my friends! Aren't I cool!?!?" Now, I am being a hypocrite here, I am guilty of things such as this. Moving on.
2: People are just trying to seek praise or attention. This one is very similar to number 1, but still different. We've all the seen the picture online of a girl who posts a selfie then writes, "I'm soooooo ugly!!!!!" My reaction is, "If you think yourself to be so ugly, then why did you just post a picture of yourself? Do you want to spread your ugliness?!" In reality, this person is just seeking comments such as, "No! You're beautiful!" I call this situation, "fishing for compliments". Below is a very accurate illustration I found online.
The only time we humans use the internet as what it's meant for, is when we have the occasional research project. We spend the night before it's due cramming knowledge in and becoming professors in a single topic. That situation reminds me of that scene in avengers.
When we research for a research paper, we turn to the internet. We hope to find the information we're looking for, but instead we find fake resources and dead-ends. You turn to Wikipedia, hoping that it will have a scrap of information you can use, and you find, "Newton's 1st law of motion: elephants cry when the planets are aligned in perfect synchronization." We sit there with a blank face and think, "Sounds legit."
You'd think that the internet would be one of the most reliable sources of information because it's so large and "regulated", but sadly, it isn't. There are people who live under the illusion that everything on the internet is true. When I say everything, I mean everything. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes.
"You can never be sure whether a quote or information is legit on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln, 1983
That is a perfect example of the spicy unreliable cesspool that is the internet. Well, I think I achieved my goal of writing a longer blog post. So yeah, there's not much else to say other than, "Live long and may the force be with you prosperously." - Martin Luther King Jr. - 1772
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