Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hook, Line, and Sinker

     Someone should invent a steam-punk shotgun that's powered by peanut oil and shoots Mexican vipers. That sentence my friends, is what we writers call a hook. A hook is meant to grab the readers attention and lure them into the snare that is a piece of writing. It is the utter essence of good writing. The bread and butter of the author. We use it to make the writing interesting, and epic. The key to good writing is to have a good hook, and play on it from there.

Unfortunately, I will not be playing upon the hook of a steam-punk shotgun (hopefully). However cool, it doesn't quite work out as a topic.

The hardest part about writing these posts may not be that obvious to readers. The thing that's the hardest is coming up with a topic. Some people may write blog posts in advance, so that if they can't come with anything at the time of posting, they can just tap into their "reserves" of writing. I don't believe in this. I think that takes away from the authenticity of the blog. It takes away the fun. It's sorta like an exercise, writing a blog post as you post them. You're testing yourself by pushing your brain to come up with ideas. It can also lead to some very interesting topics.

Okay, so I may have just went a little off topic. But no need to fear, I shall fix the probl- hey? Is that catapult built out of clothespins and popsicle sticks on my desk? Crikey, it is. Yes sir-y, I have one of those on my desk. I built it out of a design in the book Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction. I know what you're thinking, "They actually have a book called that?" The answer is yes. Out of said book you can build an arsenal of weapons out of basic office supplies. Unfortunately, there are no steam-punk shotgun builds inside. You'll just have to be content with crossbows, blow-guns, catapults, and other pencil-powered weapons.
Well, it started out as just a random thought, but I just pondered on how awesome a steam-punk shotgun that shoots Mexican vipers would be. As your enemy charges you, you could simply fire a Mexican viper at them and walk away. Hmmmmmmm, you can probably expect a drawing of a steam-punk shotgun in the near future... Maybe I could add some cool details... *rambles on about steam-punk shotguns and how to draw one*
Anyway, back on topic we go (or try)! So yeah, if you can have a good hook at the beginning of a writing, you can almost for certain reel in a few readers. Don't believe me? Look at yourself now. You've read this entire post, all because the concept of a steam-punk shotgun that shoots Mexican vipers hooked you in.  

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